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The BizBolster Boost

Did you know?


  • 94% of calls to local businesses come through Google Business Profiles on weekdays
  • More than 80% of people regularly use search engines to find products and services
  • 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engine results
  • And the first five organic results in any search account for 67.6% of clicks

Are you showing up at the top in online searches?

If not, are you ready to take your online visibility to the NEXT LEVEL?

Is The BizBolster Boost  Program A Fit For You?

This is an amazing, next-level proprietary online visibility program, but it is not ideal for all businesses. This is perfect for your business if:

  • You need more business through more phone calls, more foot traffic, or more website visits
  • Your business is primarily locally-focused and you see at least some of your clients in person
  • You have been in business at least 3-5 years
  • You have a Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business)
  • Your business focuses on retail, personal services, financial/banking services, and/or business services
  • You spend at least $1000-$2500 per month on advertising and you are not seeing a solid Return on Investment from it

If this fits you, let's chat!

Call us at 904-417-7110 or schedule a Zoom call below:


More Phone Calls

More Visibility

Better Return on Investment

More Income

How Does It Work?

This proprietary program is new to BizBolster, but it has been successfully improving sales for locally-focused businesses since 2014 - when Google first implemented Google My Business. Since 2014, Google Business Profiles have become the primary way buyers find local businesses when they are ready to purchase a product or service.

We fully optimize your Google Business Profile then we bring in Google tools to generate relevance for your business, driving visibility to your specific products and services, and putting you in front of people ready to buy! When your visibility improves, your phone calls increase, your website and/or in-person visits increase, and requests for directions increase (if you're business is "brick and mortar", all resulting in MORE BUSINESS for you!

THE BEST PART: It IMPROVES over time! Our program works with Google tools to consistently improve the Google algorithms' understanding of your ideal client and their search habits! The better the algorithms understand your customer avatar's search habits, the more often Google will show your business in search results!

How would you like results like this in just 6 months?

6 months results on SEO program

The Process

Happy Woman celebrating business success


Have a Discovery Call or In-Person Meeting with Lori to discuss your business, your questions, and determine if it will be a good fit


Work with Lori to provide a summary of your products and services as well as relevant photos


BizBolster Team optimizes your Google Business Profile, including Q&As that we will also add to your website if you don't already have an FAQ section


Program kicks off in 7-10 Business Days


Start taking more calls, seeing more business, and enjoying more income!

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